Westend FamilyCare Clinic FHT
80 Michael Cowpland Drive
Ottawa, ON K2M 1P6
Fax: 613 - 599 - 3366
E Bookings for Phone and Virtual
Appointments - kanataclinic.com
613 - 599 - 3321

Please Note: We are NOT a Walk-In Clinic
Hours of Operation:
Monday by appt 8 am - 5 pm
urgent care 5 - 8 pm
Tuesday by appt 8 am - 5 pm
urgent care 5 - 8 pm
Wednesday by appt 8 am - 5 pm
urgent care 5 - 8 pm
Thursday by appt 8 am - 5 pm
urgent care 5 - 8 pm
Friday by appt 8 am - 5 pm
urgent care 5 - 8 pm
Saturday urgent care 9 am - 3 pm
Sunday urgent care 9 am - 3 pm
**Please note - Urgent care appointments must be booked the same day by telephone and are in person only. **
Our Waitlist is now closed.​
for adults and children
Navigating Nutrition Ottawa Public Health
Make The Best Call
Mental Health, Addictions and Substance Use Health Services and Resources
Free 9-week group CBT program for pregnant people or have a child under 18 months
At this time the Urgent Care clinic is only available to clinic patients.
News and Alerts:
There will be a fee for all forms and referrals/prescriptions for all non-OHIP covered services
ALL QUEBEC PATIENTS with a physician at WEFCC will be charged for virtual or phone visits.
NARCOTICS - We do NOT prescribe any narcotics/opioids/cough syrups/controlled medications to patients who do not have a family physician at our clinic.
Appointments are now available for telephone or virtual appointments.
Online E-Booking:
If you do not have an ebooking account please phone the clinic at 613-599-3321 to set up an account or for your appointment.
Our Urgent Care clinics 5-8 pm Mondays through Fridays and Saturday/Sunday 9 am - 3 pm ARE NOW BY SCHEDULED IN PERSON APPOINTMENT and are for urgent matters only.
Appointments can be booked by phone ONLY on the same day. Phone: 613 599 3321
For all appointments please have your Health Care Card readily available.