Westend FamilyCare Clinic FHT
80 Michael Cowpland Drive
Ottawa, ON K2M 1P6
Fax: 613 - 599 - 3366
E Bookings for Phone and Virtual
Appointments - kanataclinic.com
613 - 599 - 3321
How can I make an appointment to see my doctor or nurse practitioner?
1) E Appointment Bookings are currently unavailable.
2) You may email us at westendfamilycareclinic@gmail.com to request a non-urgent appointment. Please do NOT email for Urgent care appointments.
3) You can schedule a follow up appointment when you are leaving the clinic.
4) You may phone the clinic at 613 599 3321
Is any physician at the Westend FamilyCare Clinic currently accepting new patients?
Our waitlist is currently closed. Should our waitlist re-open our website will be updated to reflect this change.
What information should I tell the receptionist when booking appointments?
When booking appointments, the more information you can provide about your concerns or needs, will help the receptionist find you the appropriate timely scheduled visit. Please be aware that the clinician may not be able to address every concern at one visit and some issues may require a step-wise multi visit process.
When are the Urgent Care hours?
To limit the spread of infection, our Urgent Care clinics
5 to 8 PM Mondays through Fridays and Saturday/Sunday 9 AM to 3 PM
ARE NOW BY SCHEDULED APPOINTMENT and are for urgent matters only.
Appointments may only be booked by phone on same day. 613-599-3321
What should I do if I need to see my doctor soon?
If you are a patient of one of the doctors at the clinic, and you are not able to book an appointment with your physician soon enough to deal with a medical problem, then:
1)Your health care team will do its best to have you seen with a same day appointment for urgent issues. If you think the problem is an emergency, go to the nearest emergency room.
2) You may be offered an appointment with one of our skilled nurse practitioners who work with your doctor.
3) You may phone in to book a same day appointment for the evening or weekend urgent care clinic (5 to 8 PM Monday to Friday, 9 AM to 3 PM Saturday and Sunday).
4) You can call to speak to our medical receptionist who may be able to direct your concerns to one of our nurses or other doctors if appropriate.
5) You may leave a phone message for your own family doctor. You may also send an email request (westendfamilycareclinic@gmail.com) for your own doctor to call you. Please be advised that your own doctor may not be back in the office for several days ( or longer if out of town), so messages should only be for non - urgent matters.
What should I bring to my appointment?
Your OHIP, health care card.
All of your medications, in their original pill bottles,
and your current medication list from your pharmacy.
How are lab results communicated?
Patients are not routinely called with normal lab results. They should be reviewed with your physician or nurse practitioner at your next appointment. Patients will be called for certain results (INRs for patients on Coumadin, TSH for patients on thyroxine, etc).
How can I get my medications refilled?
We prefer to refill medications at your visit. Please bring your pills in their original bottles so we can see what needs to be refilled. If your medications are getting low, it is likely time for you to come in to be seen.
If you will run out of medication before your next visit, please ask your pharmacist to fax us your refill request.
Please be aware that it takes up to 5 business days ( not including weekends) to process a fax prescription request. Narcotics / pain meds fax renewals are dealt with on an individual basis, you may need to come in to see a doctor for this.
Please refrain from calling to renew a medication, please have your pharmacy fax the clinic. This reduces the risk of medication communication errors.
When can I come for an allergy shot?
Allergy shots are currently available. Please phone the clinic @ 613-599-3321 to book an appointment.
What is the role of a nurse practitioner?
Visit www.npao.org to learn more.
When is the clinic closed?
The clinic is closed on all statutory holidays.
When is the blood lab open?
The blood lab is closed indefinitely.